Friday 5 August 2011

Viva Italia

I certainly enjoyed a wonderful 5 days in Italy with great company. Heather, Frank and Janet greeted me at the airport in Rome- I wasn't expecting it to be so hot right when I got there! The clothes I had worn on the airplane were not the best for the 33 degree Italian heat. We embarked on the 2 hour journey to our place in Umbria, and it was so nice to catch up on all of their adventures so far. The place we stayed was lovely, it was our own little apartment tucked away in the corner- it even had its own terrace! The first night was pretty low-key- just a few glasses of wine and a delicious dinner courtesy of Janet. We were in bed by 9:00!

The view from our terrace

View from the living room

Heather & I trying to point West

We started every morning with a few hours in the sun by the pool. It was such a nice treat to be able to lay out and enjoy the Italian countryside! On my first full day there we went into a small town to do some sight seeing and shopping- so much fun! We even ran into Winnie's doppleganger there :) That night we enjoyed a few bottles of wine and another wonderful meal!

The beautiful (and cold) pool

Heather & I on the steps of a cathedral

Frank, myself, & Heather- A typical Italian evening!

On day 2 we went into Perugia, which is the largest city in the area. We again did the usual- gelato, views, and shopping. The cities here are so beautiful! The buildings are old and magnificant! Since there isn't much grass they make up for it with piazzas full of statues, fountains and flowers!

We went to Assisi on our third day, which is the home of the basilica of St. Francis, and completely filled with monks and nuns. It was really cool to see them all on the street, going into shops and sitting eating gelato!

Nuns in Assisi

Heather & I by a great door in Assisi

Our final day was jammed full of things to do and see. In the morning Heather, Frank and I ventured to Castiglione del Lago, which is a little walled city on the edge of Lago Trasimeno. We lasted about 20 minutes in the sunshine by the lake before we had to move to the shade. It was by far the hottest day we had so far. We ate a great picnic lunch by the water and then made our way up into the city, where we browsed through shops and stopped for gelato and a cappuccino. We didn't stay long because we had to be back at our place to go on a vineyard tour. I have never been on one, and was really looking forward to it. It surely did not dissapoint. First we took a 20 minute drive up-hill to the vineyard in electric jeeps, and were able to see the many vines that grow such a delicious treat! We drove back down the hill, and went on a tour of the fermenting vats and oak barrels where they age the wine. We finished the tour with a wine and cheese tasting! Yum! We then had an olive oil tasting at our place, which was also really nice. To end our day we went to a local pizza place recommended by the woman who owns the property we stayed at. It was sooo good, but hard to finish the whole thing!

Lago Trasimeno

In the olive trees of Castiglione del Lago

Jeep on the way to the vineyard

Umbrian Vineyard

Oak Barrels

I would have to say the most common sights of my time in Italy were vineyards, whether in someone's backyard or covering acres and acres, olive trees, and wasps, much to my chagrin! We had so much fun while we were in Italy, and the place we stayed was so nice. It was such a treat to spend that time with Heather, Frank and Janet. What a great way to start my trip!!

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