Monday 15 August 2011

Oh Valencia, how I needed you!

After a few homesick and sullen days in Mallorca I needed a change of scenery. Boy, was Valencia the perfect medicine! The trip started out well, when I was upgraded to business class for my flight (which was only 45 minutes, but it was still nice)- especially since I was up at 3:30 AM to catch a shuttle to the airport. Since I arrived in Valencia early in the day I had some time to kill before I was able to get into my room. I immediately liked it here- there are palm trees everywhere and the architecture is so beautiful. I decided I would make the trek to the Ciudad de las artes y las ciencias (City of the Arts and Sciences), which is a huge complex of buildings that include an aquarium (Oceanografic) and the main building that is like a science center. I was really looking forward to seeing the aquarium, but didn't anticipate the literal trek it would take to get there. An hour and a half later, in the 33 degree heat I finally made it there, after twisting both ankles and getting a bit lost. I had just about lost all of my patience, but decided to go in and try to enjoy it, and I really did. It is like a zoo, made up of about 15 interior exhibits, which are surrounded by beautiful blue waters where other animals dwell. You walk on bridges above the water to get from place to place. In spite of the heat (and my swollen hands, which are a sure sign I am dehydrated) I had a great time. I love animals, and the exhibits there were terrific! There was no flash photography though, so bear with the photos I have posted below! I have half a day here tomorrow, and then I am off to Marrakech!

The Agora building

Umbracle (left), Hemisferic (center), Museo de las Ciencias (right)


Jelly Fish

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