Tuesday 23 August 2011

Marrakesh- the city of the kitty

Anyone who knows me can certainly say at least 2 things about me: I love babies and I love mini things. So mini babies are pretty much amazing. I was walking through Marrakesh on my first full day there and stumbled upon the tiniest little kitty on the side of the road. Obviously I stopped to take pictures of it for almost 5 minutes. I was so excited. It looked a little worse for wear (alright it looked like it was about to pass out), but it was so little and it made my day. I kept walking through the market and saw another little guy, and was about to bust my camera out again when I noticed about 50 other cats of various shades and sizes in the general vicinity, and as it turns out all over the city. My time as a cat photographer ended then- it was sad how many of them there were, and they all looked so sick :( Enough of that though, I will tell you about why it has taken me so long to write on here and why I ended up in London a bit earlier than expected.

I thought that I was prepared for what Morroco had to offer- turns out I was wrong. It was nothing like I had expected it to be, and it really threw me for a loop. To start, it was really hot- so hot you don't even sweat because, I think, your poor Canadian body is protecting its most vital organs :) The Riad was one thing, but going out into the streets of Marrakesh was something else. I was not ready to be stared at the way I was- it really made me feel awful. And it wasn't in a creepy way, as if they were interested in a woman, it was in a mean sort of what are you doing here alone kind of way. To top it off it is Ramadan, and I didn't think it would be as difficult to find food and water during the day- AND eating it in public is a whole different thing. By the end of my first morning I was ready to leave. A quick call to my wonderful mother and it was settled- I would stay 2 more days and then head to London early.

It was a bit of a harrowing experience for me. Some loneliness and homesickness combined with a less than friendly environment made me feel very alone there. I was able to see the central market, walk through the small streets and see a bit of the city, but I can assure you if I ever go again, it will not be alone!!

A good door for Heather


Dave the Kitten

Camels ready for a ride

Street outside my Riad

1 comment:

  1. Oh no! It's unfortunate that your experience in Marrakesh was not very pleasant. I'm glad you made it out safely though!
